You've reached Life is ironic, the only approved and listed at THE ANIME FANLISTINGS NETWORK fanlisting for MISAKI AYUZAWA, the main female character of the series Kaichou wa Maid-sama!! ♥
I feel so happy and honoured to be able to take care of the fanlisting for Misaki, I had no words when I've seen the message of the so much kind Rainie who told me she picked me to adopt this fanlisting! It totally came unexpected. Under her care, since 2008, it was named Fine emotion and then Irony, and actually I took inspiration from the latter for the new title of the fanlisting. Thank you so much Rainie for your kindness and patience, I'll try to do my best for Misaki! ♥
Please feel free to take a look around, and consider joining if you like Misaki! ^_^♥
Life is ironic has 74 (+ 0 pending) fans from 24 countries. Welcome to Jessica, our latest fan/s! ♥ This fanlisting is online since March 26th, 2011 and has been updated on 05th January 2025.